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Aeterna [v0.9.6.0]

Aeterna [v0.9.6.0] main image


No official game description so far (fuck you lazy svscomics)You're standing hidden in the shadow, a dragon preys on your crews of marauders. You roll your dice aaaaaaaaaaaand everyone fails. While you enjoyed your turn on this tabletop game, you feel like it's a fun experience but classes begins tomorrow morning.Meet Meilo and Sunkra while they explore their environnement with many characters and potential love interests


Aeterna [v0.9.6.0] game image: img0.webp Aeterna [v0.9.6.0] game image: img1.webp Aeterna [v0.9.6.0] game image: img2.webp Aeterna [v0.9.6.0] game image: img3.webp Aeterna [v0.9.6.0] game image: img4.webp Aeterna [v0.9.6.0] game image: img5.webp Aeterna [v0.9.6.0] game image: img6.webpLeakGirls cam girl recorder



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