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Fleet Morals [v0.1]

Fleet Morals [v0.1] main image


The Republic is at war with the Conglomerate and each day the balance is tipping in any one's favor. In the midst of that Laura has signed up to the Republic fleet and is working her way through the bootcamp aboard the fleet's capital ship when we join her journey. Wartime is ripe for secrets, intrigues, near-death-experiences and of course close-quarter encounters where skin touches skin, voices whisper into ears and kisses are exchanged in the few places that offer a modicum of privacy. Expect shifting loyalties, fleeting morals and characters whose beliefs and motivations align for a while - disaster is a given and everyone has to do their part to quench the fires.​


Fleet Morals [v0.1] game image: img0.webp Fleet Morals [v0.1] game image: img1.webp Fleet Morals [v0.1] game image: img2.webp Fleet Morals [v0.1] game image: img3.webp Fleet Morals [v0.1] game image: img4.webpLeakGirls cam girl recorder



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