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Her Little Secret [v0.1.1]

Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] main image


You are a graphics designer with a stable job and a stable life at the age of 25. You have little to no experience when it comes to dealing with girls. Lately you've been experiencing loneliness firsthand when all of the sudden, out of nowhere, you feel like you've just became a main character of a game. You feel as if your life is going to become eventful and livelier than ever. Of those events, one takes a form of a human girl.

A new intern who will be joining to work under you. You unknowingly fall for her as you spend time with her. You build up the courage to get to know her better but the more you do, the more you realize she's no ordinary girl. Would she be willing to open up to you about her little secret?​


Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img0.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img1.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img10.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img2.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img3.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img4.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img5.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img6.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img7.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img8.webp Her Little Secret [v0.1.1] game image: img9.webpLeakGirls cam girl recorder



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