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Nobilium [v0.]

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Nobilium family is a Royal Family most imoprotant in whole vampire races. The story talk about family, friends and alliance and why Nobilium Family is the most vegencefull and powerfull among thier kind. Our MC is Michele who belive is normal human along with his sisters. One day he find out the tru on him self. Michele like his siters are General in Roman Empire and thei Legion is called Phantom Legion. His mother Minerva had ex-boyfriend Lorenzo and why she merried Iulius letting him take Marte.

The Nobilium's destiny will be in you hand in rute. Whe he return vampire taks to his aunt Euridice hi will rember who he really his only after his siter will be back vampires as well his past will come back in one shot.​


Nobilium [v0.] game image: img0.webp Nobilium [v0.] game image: img1.webp Nobilium [v0.] game image: img2.webp Nobilium [v0.] game image: img3.webp Nobilium [v0.] game image: img4.webp Nobilium [v0.] game image: img5.webp Nobilium [v0.] game image: img6.webp Nobilium [v0.] game image: img7.webpLeakGirls cam girl recorder



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