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Penlight [v0.1524.2]

Penlight [v0.1524.2] main image


Penlight is a visual novel set in a high-school with a heavy emphasis on mental conditioning. While still in development, the current release is fully playable from start to finish with over a dozen possible endings. It should be noted that all characters featured in the game are in their senior year of high school and are over 18 years of age. With the end of his high school career approaching, Kyou Koyama is a friendless and troubled young man.

However, having recently taken on a new interest, he supposes he can salvage his relationships with his classmates using the power of suggestion. With the help of a modified penlight of his own design, he sets out the change his world, one class rep at a time...


Penlight [v0.1524.2] game image: img0.webp Penlight [v0.1524.2] game image: img1.webp Penlight [v0.1524.2] game image: img2.webp Penlight [v0.1524.2] game image: img3.webp Penlight [v0.1524.2] game image: img4.webpLeakGirls cam girl recorder



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