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Sex & The Sea [v1.0.0]

Sex & The Sea [v1.0.0] main image


The game takes place in a fantasy world. The main character is an adventurer, although not a very successful one. His name is Melcior ('The Magnificent' – he always adds). He likes gold, booze, and women. At the beginning of the game Melcior finds himself in a sticky situation in a port city of Menapontum.

He has been caught having fun with the mayor's daughter by her angry father. Our hero has to run. He manages to sneak on board of one of the ships leaving the harbor. On the open sea Melcior is safe from the vengeful father, but he has lost almost everything he owned. Thankfully there are other passengers on board.

Some of them are pretty girls and all have some secrets. Melcior will have to discover them, regain his good luck and of course get some pussy in the process.


Sex & The Sea [v1.0.0] game image: img0.webp Sex & The Sea [v1.0.0] game image: img1.webp Sex & The Sea [v1.0.0] game image: img2.webp Sex & The Sea [v1.0.0] game image: img3.webp Sex & The Sea [v1.0.0] game image: img4.webpLeakGirls cam girl recorder



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