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Stuck in Zargabad

Stuck in Zargabad main image


Stuck in Zargabad is a pastiche mod of Female Agent. It takes the framework from Crushstation's game, and uses it to tell the short story of a girl stuck in a war torn middle eastern town. You are Yeliz, stuck in Zargabad ; encircled by the troops of the Dorn Republic as they prepare their final assault on the Takistani capital. Will you hide, will you flee...

will you die ? Although, Oscar Wilde once said : "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". And as much I admired Crush for the quality of Female Agent, I do now dislike him for literally "milking" his patreon and his shamefully slow writing pace. I made this tech demo for a single purpose : demonstrate his bad faith. In fact, starting with zero knowledge of SugarCube, I retro-engineered his game, ported it to twee-go and wrote v.

0.1 in less than a day. I only have one thing to say to Crush : Stop milking you patreon fans. And if you keep stealing their money, at least get your fingers out of your ass, and FINISH THE GAME.​


Stuck in Zargabad game image: img0.webp Stuck in Zargabad game image: img1.webp Stuck in Zargabad game image: img2.webpLeakGirls cam girl recorder



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