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Summer Resort [v0.02]

Summer Resort [v0.02] main image


This is a game about someone who has the option to emerge from a grave family illness in the shape and form (s)he chooses.The game is early alpha: one of the main plot lines is progressed to a point that is far from final. To be perfectly honest I do not know yet whether I will ever finish this game since there are options that I cannot do justice since they are out of my personal preferences.


Summer Resort [v0.02] game image: img0.webp Summer Resort [v0.02] game image: img1.webp Summer Resort [v0.02] game image: img2.webp Summer Resort [v0.02] game image: img3.webp Summer Resort [v0.02] game image: img4.webp Summer Resort [v0.02] game image: img5.webpLeakGirls cam girl recorder



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