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The Collector [v0.1 Alpha]

The Collector [v0.1 Alpha] main image


A game where you play one of several kidnapping victims, forced to take on new identities in their kidnappers supposed utopia. Discover who each victim was before, is now, and try to affect the future in a world where the abuser makes all the rules​


The Collector [v0.1 Alpha] game image: img0.webp The Collector [v0.1 Alpha] game image: img1.webp The Collector [v0.1 Alpha] game image: img2.webp The Collector [v0.1 Alpha] game image: img3.webp The Collector [v0.1 Alpha] game image: img4.webp The Collector [v0.1 Alpha] game image: img5.webpLeakGirls cam girl recorder



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